...Any questions?

If you can't find below what you are looking for, come up and talk to us directly at the venue; Cristiano and Andrea, our conference hosts, along with the amazing V-team, and our board members (Nanette, Tammy, Natalia, Christelle and Kirsten) are here to help, and are easy to spot with their light blue badges, and Anna, -the one with the coffee cup ☕ glued to her hand, are all standing-by!

Send us a quick email here.

Getting ready...
I am landing 🛬 in Malpensa, how do I reach the city of Varese?
The city of Varese can be reached directly from Milano Malpensa Airport via a 41-minute train (fast route) ride. View schedules & book your tickets.
⚠️ NOTE: Varese, will most likely not be your train's last stop, thus it might not appear on the platform screens as the final destination.
Verify the train number on your ticket and departure time!
- If you are landing at Terminal 2, you will have to exit the terminal and walk a very short distance to the adjacent train station and head downstairs to reach the platforms.
- If you are landing at Terminal 1, simply follow the train signs and they will take you to -1 level where the platforms are located.
What about public transport tickets in Varese? 🎫
It is possible to purchase tickets for single journeys (€1.60, valid for 90 minutes) also on board the bus, at automatic machines that do not give change, or with contactless credit/debit card on the neroverdi (black & green) validators.
1 journey: €1.60
10-trip carnet (for all users) and group ticket for 10 passengers (groups only): €14.50
Click to view all available rates & ticket options.
Click to view the city bus lines map.
How can I reach the Villa Panza from the Palace Grand Hotel?
- Feel like stretching your legs and getting the blood flowing? Take a 40' walk!
- Hop on the city buses. View itinerary.
- Via a 9'-12' car/taxi ride.
Do I need a travel adaptor? 🔌
For Italy, there are two associated plug types, types C and F. Plug type C is the plug which has two round pins and plug type F has two round pins with two earth clips on the side and plug type. Italy, as most of Europe, operates on a 230V supply voltage and 50Hz.
United States has electrical outlets of types A & B.
I am attending the social event-dinner at Villa Panza; is there a dress code? 👗
This is a wonderful opportunity to get together under Lombardian skies... We are just happy to see you!
Are we going for a morning run this year? 🏃 Shall I pack my running shoes?
Morning run tradition continues and gifts & rewards 🎁 are on the menu!
Thursday 13 June, 7am-route TBA here; scan the designated QR code on the programme you will receive upon your arrival.
More info by our Chief Track & Field Officer: Nanette Mol Debes
While in Varese...
Where can I find the programme of the conference?
The detailed programme of the conference (including original abstracts, poster rounds and oral presentations in order of appearance) can be found inside the book of abstracts that will be distributed to all registered attendees when collecting their badge.
You may also find it here.
Where can I view the ePosters?
We have encouraged all authors, –whether participating with posters or oral presentations–, to submit a digital version of their work. You may find the ePosters of all those who submitted one, here.
After Varese...
How can I receive a certificate of attendance/CME credits (for medical professionals)?

Just say the word! Fill out the form below.

I truly enjoyed the conference! How can I become a member/renew my membership?
This is such an important, vital matter to the Society!
Commitment and time dedicated (a very great deal of it!) have been the fuel that allowed for this conference to take place despite the seriously tight mathematics.
Becoming a member echoes both moral encouragement and recognition, as well as meaningful, concrete support to keep the endeavour alive so that we can meet again next year!
View membership page here.
I would love to get more actively involved in ESSTS' activities; whom should I contact?
Let's talk!
Send us a message at ideas@essts.org, or feel free to contact directly any of our board members.