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Copenhagen, Denmark

11th European Conference on Tourette Syndrome & Tic Disorders

Our host organisers:
Nanette Mol Debes, Liselotte Skov, Katrine Maigaard

Thank you Danes and...farewell Copenhagen!

After many months of tireless preparations, we finally made it to beautiful Copenhagen and we were thrilled to meet you all again.

Cheers to our wonderful society, RDV in Hannover!

We have compiled all the information related to this meeting in the following file:
View online


Upon completion of the final oral presentation & poster rounds on the last day of the conference, attendees e-voted live for "Best of" on both categories.
The Professor Mary Robertson Award 2024 was presented by Mary Robertson herself with the long-standing support of Tourettes Action UK.

Congratulations, keep calm and research on!
Professor Mary Robertson Award for Research Contribution 2024

Chelsea F. Dale

Taming Tics Together (TTT): Evaluation of a telehealth-based intensive intervention for youth with tics and co-occurring diagnoses.
Best oral presentation
1st prize

Jolande van de Griendt

Underlying Working Mechanisms of Exposure and Response Prevention in the Treatment of Tourette Syndrome and Tic Disorders.
2nd prize

Giulia Raffaele

Tic-Talk: Voices on Tourette labelling.
3rd prize

Kaja Andersen

A Critical Examination of the clinical diagnosis of Functional Tic-Like Behaviours & Agreement between cluster analyses and diagnoses of Tic Disorder and Functional Tic-like behaviours in a Tourette clinic population.
Best poster presentation
1st prize

Stella Haffner

Assessing the factor structure of the Behaviour Rating Inventory of Executive Function in a Tourette’s population.
2nd prize

Isabel Archer & Madiha Shoaib

Adapting psychoeducation to accommodate neurodiversity among young people with Tourette syndrome.
3rd prize

Ione Georgakis

Tic Attire – An Occupational Therapy Concept Design Project to Reduce Tic-Related Pain and Injury.


Upon completion of the final oral presentation & poster rounds on the last day of the conference, attendees e-voted live for "Best of" on both categories.
The Professor Mary Robertson Award 2023 was presented by Mary Robertson herself with the long-standing support of Tourettes Action UK.

Congratulations, keep calm and research on!
Professor Mary Robertson Award for Research Contribution 2023

Jade-Jocelyne Zouki

Mapping a Network for Tics in Tourette Syndrome Using Causal Lesions and Structural Alterations
Best oral presentation
1st prize

Annet Heijerman

Effectiveness of Tackle your Tics, a brief, intensive group-based exposure therapy programme for children with tic disorders
2nd prize

Tamara Pringsheim

Symptom trajectories in functional tic-like behaviours:
A prospective longitudinal cohort study
3rd prize

Yasamin Mahjoub

Randomized controlled trial of supplementary motor area transcranial direct current stimulation in Tourette syndrome
Best poster presentation
1st prize

Coralie Beaulieu & Méliza Gagnon

Microaggressions Experienced by Emerging Adults (16-25 years old) with Tourette Syndrome
2nd prize

Kaja Andersen

Clarifying the differences between patients with Organic Tics and Functional Tic-Like Behaviours
3rd prize

Diana Beljaars

Science-society rifts on tics, compulsions, and Tourette’s:
Perspectives of a panel of Tourettic persons and Tourette’s researchers


Upon completion of the final oral presentation & poster rounds on the last day of the conference, attendees e-voted live for "Best of" on both categories.
The Professor Mary Robertson Award 2022 was presented by Jeremy Stern, Honorary Medical Director for Tourette's Action UK.

Congratulations, keep calm and research on!
Best oral presentation
1st prize

Per Andrén

Online Exposure and Response Prevention for Children and Adolescents with Tourette Syndrome: A Randomized Controlled Trial
2nd prize

Christelle Nilles

Speech and language disorders and complex vocal tics affecting speech fluency in people with Tourette syndrome
3rd prize

Julian Fletcher

The Tourette OCD Alberta Network: Development of a Continuing Professional Development Program for Community Based Mental Health Therapists
Best poster presentation
1st prize

Carolin Fremer

Mass social media-induced illness presenting with Tourette-like behavior impact of unconscious intrapsychic conflicts, structural deficits, and maintaining factors
2nd prize

Ekaterina Ivanova

Therapist-guided exposure and response prevention treatment for adults with TS/CTD delivered via internet: a pilot trial

Gesine Sallandt

Automated tic detection: Machine learning approach for the detection of Tics in videos
3rd prize

Joanna Loayza

Further characterisation of the rat model of Tourette-related striatal disinhibition: in vivo electrophysiological and behavioural studies

Kari Anne Pedersen

What is Tourette syndrome?

Simon Morand-Beaulieu

Per Andrén

Christelle Nilles

Julian Fletcher

Carolin Fremer

Ekaterina Ivanova

Gesine Sallandt

Joanna Loayza

Kari Anne Pedersen

drag your mouse or finger left & right


This year and for the first time, the audience e-voted live for the awards.

Best oral presentation
1st prize

Fotis Tsetsos

Genome-wide association study of Tourette investigates the genetic determinants of Tourette and implicates neuronal and synaptic processes
2nd prize

Maria Hadji-Michael

Alexithymia and interoception in children with Tourette syndrome: A clinical audit
3rd prize

Martina Haas

YGTSS: A critical look at the psychometric quality of the gold standard based on EMTICS data
Best poster presentation
1st prize

Ewgeni Jakubovski

ABX-1431, A First-in-Class Endocannabinoid Modulator, Improves Tics in Adult Patients with Tourette Syndrome
2nd prize

Laura Beljaars

ESSTS Patient Groups: The whole is greater than the sum of its parts
3rd prize

Mayaan Halevi

“Tic Attacks” in Tourette Syndrome

Yarisa Nicola Piris

Sexuality and Tourette Syndrome: The impact of sexual self-esteem on sexual practices. Pilot study.

Chloe Taylor

A case study of a child with complex TS treated with intensive CBIT and close school liaison


Mary Robertson Award

Clinical and cost-effectiveness of Internet-delivered behaviour therapy for children and adolescents with Tourette syndrome: Protocol for a single-blind randomised controlled trial in Sweden

Fotis tsetsos

Best oral presentation
1st prize

Genome-wide association study of Tourette investigates the genetic determinants of Tourette and implicates neuronal and synaptic processes

Fotis TSETSOS-1st prize-Best oral presentation


Best oral presentation
2nd prize

Alexithymia and interoception in children with Tourette syndrome: A clinical audit

Martina HAAS

Best oral presentation
3rd prize

YGTSS: A critical look at the psychometric quality of the gold standard based on EMTICS data


Best e-poster presentation
1st prize

ABX-1431, A First-in-Class Endocannabinoid Modulator, Improves Tics in Adult Patients with Tourette Syndrome


Best e-poster presentation
2nd prize

ESSTS Patient Groups: The whole is greater than the sum of its parts


Best e-poster presentation
3rd prize

“Tic Attacks” in Tourette Syndrome

Yarisa Nicola PIRIS

Best e-poster presentation
3rd prize

Sexuality and Tourette Syndrome: The impact of sexual self-esteem on sexual practices. Pilot study.


Best e-poster presentation
3rd prize

A case study of a child with complex TS treated with intensive CBIT and close school liaison


A loud 📢 thank you to all the authors who shared with us their hard work and exceeded our conservative expectations of abstract submissions this virtual year!
You will find below a comprehensive list of the Conference ePosters (titles in alphabetical order).
Click on "more info" to view the supporting material (videos & articles) that some of the authors have provided.

You will find below a digital version of the posters that were presented during the poster rounds. (titles sorted in alphabetical order)

Click on "more info" to view any additional elements, –such as audio, videos, articles and links–, that each author has shared with us.

The headphones 🎧 icon indicates that a podcast presentation is available.

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Speakers' slides

Courtesy of our speakers to conference attendees (upon request and for 8 weeks following the completion of the meeting) and to active ESSTS members; please find below the PDFs of their presentations.
A special thank you to all those who shared their valuable work with the community!

For members:

Active (for the current calendar year) ESSTS members can access the files directly once logged in to their member account.

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The recording of the online course is available. Please log in to your user account, and the video will become accessible below.
(You will probably need to refresh your browser after logging in.)

Book of abstracts

A record-breaking –57!– number of abstracts, were presented in Brussels, 30% of which were submitted from researchers outside Europe.

From Calgary to Melbourne...
Australia, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Israel, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, UK, USA.

Thank you all for your contribution and for keeping the collaborative spirit in top shape! 🚀

Although our previous –virtual– meeting only took place 9 months prior to the Lausanne conference, one thing is certain; researchers around the world have been working tirelessly, submitting large numbers of excellent abstracts. We accepted 38 abstracts back in October 2021 and 48 in June 2022.

Thank you all for your contribution and for keeping the collaborative spirit in top shape! 🚀

From Calgary to Melbourne...

Australia, Canada, Denmark, Germany, Israel, Italy, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Sweden, UK, USA

Whether you have already retrieved your copy of the book of abstracts at the conference venue, or you would like to explore the programme and submitted abstracts, you may download the original file below.

New feature, the "T-playlist!"

A new feature was introduced in Brussels; audio presentations of the conference posters recorded by the authors themselves and made available in a podcast format.


📸 A photo journey immortalising the Brussels "on stage and backstage" experience!

(We did our best to collect as many photos as possible. Feel free to get in touch, if you'd like to...contribute to the collection!)


click to view PDF version

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I. Conference
Wednesday, 7 June 2023
Behavioural therapy for tic disorders
13.00-15.00 (parallel session)
Workshop in English for participants with basic training
also available as an independent event
Behavioural therapy for tic disorders
13.00-17.00 (parallel session)
Workshop in French for participants with basic training
Behavioural therapy for tic disorders
13.00-17.00 (parallel session)
Workshop in Dutch for participants with basic training
also available as an independent event
Workshops; Behavioural therapy for tic disorders
15.00-17.00 (parallel session)
Workshop in English for advanced participants.
Focus on ASD & functional tics
Rebecca Akello
Joining us remotely via Zoom from Kampala, Uganda!
Clinical Psychologist, Kampala Capital City Authority Inclusive Educational Assessment and Resource Center, Uganda
13.00-17.00  (parallel session)
Patient associations meeting organised by Tics and Tourette Across the Globe (TTAG)
also available as an independent event
Thursday, 8 June 2023
Welcome message by our host & local organisers
Genetics & imaging session
Update on genetics
Enhancing neuroimaging genetics through meta-analysis for Tourette syndrome (ENIGMA-TS)
Coffee break
Clinical rounds
(Case presentations)
Lunch break
12.30-13.30 (auditorium)
ENIGMA-TS meeting
(Enhancing neuroimaging genetics through meta-analysis for Tourette syndrome )
General assembly meeting
+ Board elections 2023: e-voting begins!
ASD session
moderated by Tara Murphy
Autism - past, present and future
The evolving understanding of autism;
focusing on the neurodiversity perspective and thinking through the implications for the sorts of treatments & support that should be offered.
Panel discussion
Coffee break
Poster rounds, session I
moderated by Nanette Mol Debes
Oral presentations of submitted abstracts, session I
moderated by Natalia Szejko
optional event
From 20.00
Social event-dinner at the Africa Palace
(adjacent to the congress centre & the AfricaMuseum)
From 18.00-20.00
AfricaMuseum private access
We have reserved the museum for an additional 2 hours after its closing time.
Attendees who register for the social event above, will receive a complimentary ticket to visit the museum during the late opening slot.
⚠️ Kindly note that we shall not be able to accommodate last-minute dinner registrations; if you wish to attend our social event, thank you for registering by 31 May, at the latest.
Friday, 9 June 2023
Welcome address by TTAG (Tics and Tourette Across the Globe)
Pain & sex differences in TS session
moderated by Kevin J. Black
Pain in TS
Sex differences in TS
Panel discussion
Coffee break
Oral presentations of submitted abstracts, session II
moderated by Andreas Hartmann
Lunch break
Investigating the effects of median nerve stimulation on Tourette syndrome: clinical trial results
moderated by Andrea Cavanna
Poster rounds, session II
moderated by Nanette Mol Debes
Coffee break
Best papers of 2022 on tics and TS
moderated by Andreas Hartmann
Closing ceremony
Best poster & best oral presentation awards
New ESSTS Board; election results
ESSTS Conference 2024 announcement

Controversy & poll

Are functional tics easy to diagnose?

As promised when we first introduced controversy discussions followed by live polling during the Hannover meeting in 2019, it was indeed only the beginning!
This year, 2 esteemed colleagues from the University of Calgary, Tamara Pringsheim and Davide Martino took the stage and debated on a genuinely controversial topic; are functional tics easy to diagnose?

As you can see from the landslide victory for either debater, yet Tamara's smile says it all! 💪

Both speakers have made their presentations available online; scroll to view them on the following section.

"Are functional tics easy to diagnose?"
Tamara Pringsheim debate winner


view PDF version

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Thursday, 9 June 2022
10.00-13.00 (parallel session)
I. Behavioural treatment of tics
Workshop in French
(view programme)
10.00-13.00 (parallel session)
II. Behavioural therapy for tic disorders:
"Tic treatment – Learn how to become a tic therapist or enhance your skills."
Workshop in English for beginner participants.
(view programme)
14.00-17.00  (parallel session)
III. Behavioural therapy for tic disorders:
"Exciting advances in Group treatment for Tics and Tourette syndrome."
Workshop in English for advanced participants.
(view programme)
Guest speakers (in order of appearance):
Judith Nissen, Eve Mc Allister, Nimmi Parikh, Annet Heijerman-Holtgrefe, Sharon Zimmerman Brenner, Noa Benaroya-Milshtein, Dana Feldman Sadeh
Dedicated to the memory of Kieron O'Connor 
13.00-17.00  (parallel session)
Patient associations meeting organised by Tics and Tourette Across the Globe (TTAG)
(view programme)
I. Opening ceremony and lecture:
"Functional, Tourette-like behaviours; an evolving landscape"
II. Apéritif time, getting together again!
Friday, 10 June 2022
Pack your running shoes!
Morning run tradition continues, route TBA*
More info by our Chief Track & Field Officer:
*Weather & participation permitting, we shall repeat the run on Saturday 11 June.
Brain stimulation sessions
Non-invasive brain stimulation in TS
Brain stimulation sessions
Invasive brain stimulation in TS
Brain stimulation sessions
Podium discussion including discussion with the audience 
Juan Carlos Baldermann
Coffee break
Ecopipam in Children and Adolescents with Tourette Syndrome: Results from a Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Phase 2b Study
Poster rounds, session I
(view schedule)
moderated by Nanette Mol Debes
Lunch break
13.00-14.00 (parallel session)
ENIGMA-TS Working Group meeting
Confirm attendance
(at “Pavillon Ouest”, adjacent to main building)
Society and TS session
Ticking the wrong box –a global look at why we don't know what works in tic education and how we can find out.
moderated by Andrea Cavanna
History of TS session
Georges Gilles de la Tourette, the man behind the name.
moderated by Andreas Hartmann
History of TS session
Neural mechanisms of cognitive behavioral treatment in the framework of perception-action integration
moderated by Andreas Hartmann
Coffee break
Oral presentations of submitted abstracts I
(view schedule)
General assembly meeting
From 20.00
Social event; dinner at the Olympic Museum of Lausanne
Olympic Museum logo
Saturday, 11 June 2022
Update of guidelines for the treatment of OCD and OCD with GTS including PANDAS
Podium discussion including discussion with the audience
moderated by Kerstin von Plessen
Poster rounds, session II
(view schedule)
moderated by Nanette Mol Debes
Coffee break
Are functional tics easy to diagnose?"
Controversy discussion, followed by a poll.
moderated by Andrea Cavanna
Arguing yes:
Arguing no:
Lunch break
Best papers of 2021 on tics and TS
moderated by Andreas Hartmann
Oral presentations of submitted abstracts II
(view schedule)
Coffee break
Clinical rounds
Closing ceremony, best poster & best oral presentation prizes, Professor Mary Robertson award.


scroll ↓ & click on photos for gallery view
scroll ↓ & click on photos for gallery view
Jana and Natalia, you are coming to Lausanne next year!


  • Welcome online! Introduction by ESSTS Chair, Kirsten Müller-Vahl and presentation of the new Board
  • Interview with James Leckman (30 min)
  • Update on immunology in Tourette Syndrome/tics, by Davide Martino (20 min)
  • Update on Behavioural Therapy in Tourette Syndrome by Per Andrén (20 min)
  • Best papers of 2019 by Kevin Black  (40 min)
  • Live Q&A session with the Davide Martino (moderator: Nanette Mol Debes) & Per Andrén (moderator: Cara Verdellen)

Invited speakers

James Leckman

James Leckman

more details / CV
Davide Martino

Davide Martino

more details / CV

Behavioural therapy goodie

BT updates, a summary of treatment guidelines and new studies on BT for Tourette Syndrome & chronic tic disorders

Clinical psychologist and PhD student at Karolinska Institutet Per Andrén, has kindly made available to our attendees and now to all interested parties the slides of his presentation. Feel free to download!

Controversy & poll "T" or not to "T"? Is it time to rename Tourette syndrome?

This year, we introduced live polling for the ePoster and oral presentation awards, but also for our first (though certainly not last!) controversy, titled:
“Is it time to rename Tourette syndrome?”

See the final results on the following chart.
In Jeremy Stern’s immortal and spontaneous comment, "it was Brexit all over again”…😉

Of note, the discussion with the audience was lively and could easily have gone on for much longer. To be continued in Lausanne on this and other topics!


Professor Mary Robertson Award for Research Contribution 2022

Paula Viefhaus

Efficacy of a Resource Activation Treatment in Children with Chronic Tic Disorders – A Within-Subject Analysis
Best oral presentation

Leanne Hockey

Attention and inhibition in Tourette’s Syndrome
Best poster presentation

Juan Carlos Baldermann

Stimulation-dependent functional connectivity of effective deep brain stimulation for Tourette Syndrome

Paula Viefhaus

Mary Robertson Award

Efficacy of a Resource Activation Treatment in Children with Chronic Tic Disorders – A Within-Subject Analysis

Leanne Hockey

Best oral presentation

Attention and inhibition in Tourette’s Syndrome

Juan Carlos Baldermann

Best poster presentation

Stimulation-dependent functional connectivity of effective deep brain stimulation for Tourette Syndrome

Anne Gersdorff Korsgaard

ESSTS Lifetime achievement award

Book of abstracts

Abstract book
CPH Abstract book Cover
Gilles Viking helmet


If you were unable to attend, or would simply like to ... 📺 binge-watch these great presentations again..
The majority of the session recordings are now available  and will remain online for at least 3 months after the completion of the conference.

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A loud 📢 thank you to all the authors who shared with us their hard work and exceeded our conservative expectations of abstract submissions this virtual year!
You will find below a comprehensive list of the Conference ePosters (titles in alphabetical order).
Click on "more info" to view the supporting material (videos & articles) that some of the authors have provided.

On stage & backstage

view lookbook!
scroll ↓ & click on photos for gallery view
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