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With gratitude to Suzanne Dobson

Dr Jeremy Stern, Consultant Neurologist & Honorary Medical Director at Tourettes Action UK and a close friend of Suzanne's has kindly shared with us this wonderful tribute.

"Many of us feel the loss of Suzanne Dobson as a friend, and as shocking news. In her passing the respect and affection she inspired is obvious.
She had been Chief Executive of Tourettes Action for well over a decade and in that time not only developed our charity but improved things for people with Tourette syndrome in the UK. She had strong links with her colleagues in other charities and was the past chair of the Neurological Alliance, a patient representative organisation with the ear of Government. She also facilitated the growth of ESSTS and helped bring together the other European patient groups.
Suzanne perhaps did not have a very English sensibility. She could be described as a bon-viveur. She had an unexpected early background in professional catering before moving professionally into civil and voluntary organisations. She was kind but direct with a quick intellect that effortlessly cut through nonsense in a way that endeared her to all kinds of people, ranging from distressed individuals needing support to medical professionals and funders. She had an easy manner with doctors, absolutely no unearned respect for academic hierarchy and absorbed her own specialised clinical acumen in our field.
When summing up the medical situation of a helpline query or a Tourette related TV documentary (a common genre in the UK) she would laugh "I suppose my medical degree certificate is in the post". I observed a few times in the early ESSTS meetings how she delighted in the spectacle of clinicians and researchers trying to organise themselves, in the manner of a tolerant parent. Putting on meetings did come naturally to her. In 2015 she was central in producing the success of the joint meeting of ESSTS, Tourettes Action and the Tourette Association of America in the first, and so far only, World Congress on Tourette Syndrome held in London. On those occasions her ambition also added what the British call 'a certain je ne sais quoi', a renowned ballet company performing a piece inspired by Awakenings, or in an earlier ESSTS meeting a reception on the river terrace of the Houses of Parliament.  
In the time she led Tourettes Action its ability to support families and people with Tourette's expanded substantially in direct and indirect ways, one example being very successful TICfests (residential events for families) which elicited frankly heart-warming feedback from participants. The families and adults with Tourette syndrome were what she really cared about. Whilst it will be hard to replace her as a Chief Executive, she will not be forgotten as a friend and I know many colleagues will miss her.
I find it hard to close without mentioning that whilst her recent illness was short over the last couple of years she had unfortunately suffered other medical setbacks but she had a remarkable fortitude and capacity for recovery. She always had her eye on enjoying life again and contributing in her work. Suzanne leaves a family of her children and grandchildren and devoted friends who may not have fully appreciated her stature in our community. We convey our sincere condolences and very best wishes from across the continent."
Submissions are now closed
All applications will be shared via email with ESSTS members 4 weeks prior to the upcoming board elections. The members will have a chance to review the candidacies and exercise their voting rights online on 8 June 2023.
Wednesday, 7 February 2024, 16:00-19:00 CET
This is an online training course for TS beginners. The course is open to clinicians (physicians, psychologists, psychotherapists, nurses, medical students) and other professionals who are interested in the clinical aspects of TS).
The presentations and the Q&A session will be held in English.
All clinically relevant topics will be covered, including:
Diagnosis and definition of tic disorders
Nature of tics
Course of TS
Differential diagnoses
Pathophysiology including genetics
Registration & online attendance
To confirm your participation, thank you for using the registration form below.
We have introduced a single, moderate registration fee of €25 –applying also to senior professionals– as we wish to encourage the participation of as many junior colleagues as possible.
You will have the option to add a –greatly appreciated!– contribution if you wish, at payment checkout.
You will receive via email approximately 2 weeks-10 days before the event date (7th February 2024) a unique link to access the live session.
Kindly note that this link allows for one single connection per registered attendee.
ESSTS Members 2024 registration
Registration is free of charge for ESSTS Members who will have renewed their membership for the calendar year 2024 at least 24 hours before the online event.
Assessment, including differential diagnoses
Treatment; pharmacological treatment, psychological intervention, deep brain stimulation
Clinical cases; assessment and treatment
Live Q&A session
Registration form
Need a certificate of attendance?
Just say the word! Send us a quick message here.








Meet our country hosts and co-organisers for 2024, Professors Cristiano Termine and Andrea Cavanna, from the University of Insubria and University of Birmingham respectively.
Discover below the spectacular destination where we shall meet again next summer!
Cristiano Termine
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Invited speakers

James Leckman

James Leckman

more details / CV
Davide Martino

Davide Martino

more details / CV
La TS-school è un evento satellite rispetto alla 16ª Conferenza Internazionale su Disturbi da tic e Sindrome di Tourette.
Questa è la terza edizione della TS-school, un corso di formazione per coloro che vogliono apprendere maggiori informazioni in merito alla Sindrome di Tourette. Il corso è aperto a diverse figure professionali (medici, psicologi, infermieri, specializzandi, studenti di medicina) e altri professionisti interessati agli aspetti clinici della Sindrome di Tourette.
  • Le relazioni si terranno in lingua inglese con traduzione simultanea in italiano
  • Accreditamento ECM per medici, psicologi, infermieri
E’ possibile iscriversi a questo evento separatamente rispetto alla Conferenza.
Martedì 11 giugno 2024, 13:00-18:00 | Palace Grand Hotel Varese
Responsabile scientifico: Prof. Cristiano Termine (Italia)
Cristiano Termine
Verranno trattati diversi argomenti clinicamente rilevanti tra cui:
definizione del disturbo da tic
eziopatogenesi dei tic
decorso della Sindrome di Tourette
diagnosi differenziale
valutazione diagnostica
fisiopatologia (inclusa la genetica)
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Conferenziere/consiglio dell'ESSTS
Valutazione diagnostica, compresa la diagnosi differenziale
Natalia Szejko (Canada)
Christelle Nilles (France)
Pausa caffè
Trattamento farmacologico, interventi psicologici e stimolazione cerebrale profonda
Kirsten Müller-Vahl (Germany)
Come rispondere alle domande più frequenti di pazienti e familiari in merito all’eziologia e alla fisiopatologia dei tic
Tammy Hedderly (UK)
Casi clinici: dalla valutazione diagnostica al trattamento
Nanette Mol Debes (Denmark)
Mercoledì 12 giugno 2024, ore 14:00-17:00
Aula Magna “Granero-Porati” - via Dunant, 3 Varese
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Introduzione e saluti istituzionali
Prima sessione: Moderatore L. Macchi (Ufficio Inclusione - Ambito Territoriale di Varese)
Seconda sessione: Moderatore S. Bralia (Ufficio Inclusione - Ambito Territoriale di Varese)
Tic, disturbo ossessivo compulsive, autismo e disturbi del movimento funzionali.
Tic e Tourette in classe, cosa fare?
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